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Virtual Taboo
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Sexy young Eva Elfie has been very happy and totally sexually satisfied since she started fucking her hunky stepbrother. Every time their parents are away, the two can't keep their hands off of each... Read more Sexy young Eva Elfie has been very happy and totally sexually satisfied since she started fucking her hunky stepbrother. Every time their parents are away, the two can't keep their hands off of each other. It is the best sex of Eva's life and she never has to leave the house to get it. Everything is perfect. Except when brother is busy working double shifts and can't get home to satisfy her desires. Now she just stands in the kitchen, remembering the first time she saw him, the first time she caught him staring at her and of course, the first time she was brave enough to make a move. Remembering his big cock and how it filled her makes Eva even hornier. She remembers his hands on her skin, her tongue on her nipples, his cock in her pussy and the passion overwhelms her. Eva strips down and feels the cool morning air on her naked flesh. She longs for his touch, his cock, his deep powerful strokes. Matching her daydream fantasy, Eva's fingers work their way up her thighs until they ease their way into her warm slit. She misses brother's big dick, but cums hard remembering how he fucked her and smiles knowing that as soon as returns home, she is going to get the loving she craves.

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